Monia Bianco

I'm fundraising for EMpower!

Come join me and Waffles for a 5k run and 10 push-ups, either remotely or in Central Park, on March 25th at 6pm! For those who show up in person (meeting at the Columbus Circle statue), Waffles will generously offer a round of drinks at All & Sundry! Let's do it for the fluff!

EMpower - The Emerging Markets Foundation is a global philanthropic foundation focused on marginalized youth in emerging market countries.

They partner with local, community-based organizations in 15 EM countries that enable young people’s successful transition into productive, healthy adulthood, developing the next generation of leaders.

I have taken up the challenge to raise funds for this amazing charity and learn more about their incredible work in supporting youth. Help me achieve my goal by donating to my page!

My Achievements

50% of fundraising target

100% of fundraising target

100% distance travelled

Reached distance goal

Shared on social media

My Updates

Partial Waffles Squad!

Tuesday 26th Mar

Thank you!!!

Tuesday 26th Mar
Dear Friends,

I cannot thank you all enough for your incredible support for EMpower via Waffles squad!

Some of you braved it out in Central Park and others participated remotely. 

Yesterday, Waffles and his in-person supporters crushed a full 6-mile loop around the park at an impressive 8:45 average pace!

This event and fundraising would not have been possible without each and every one of you donating your time, pushing your physical limits, and contributing financially.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Thank you to my Sponsors





Goooo waffles!


Jonny Thompson




Justin Portes

Good luck!


Stefano Mascetti


Daniel Hally


John O'connell


Shubham Upadhyay

Good Luck!


Carla & Cyril

Good luck, Ben should be running 10k to account for the height


Will Bedor


Christina Generoso


Kelsey Overby

Cheering you on! xx


Stephanie & Tim Kurpis

Good Luck Monia!


Waffles Sparke

Great cause, let’s do this!!!!


Alexandra Platon


Steve & Melinda

Who won.......girl or dog.......Fine effort both 😊


Chez, Tom, Lyra And Elliot

Well done Monia and Waffles! Now be a good boy Waffles and don’t try to sit on Monia while she’s doing her push-ups!


Monia Bianco

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